Friday Night Lights: May the Best Man Win (2008)
Season 2, Episode 15
Season Two
4 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The fall TV schedule of 2007 was a mess due to the Writer's Strike that saw all of the script-writers withhold their services. The effects of such a shake-up can be seen in two crucial ways during the course of this season: 1. The pacing of the early episodes; & 2. The abrupt ending when there should have been more episodes to round out the plotlines.

Coming off an incredibly strong first season, this second installment of "Friday Night Lights" is, at least at first, markedly different from the original slate of episodes. There is less of a focus on football and much more on just character drama in general. For a few examples...the effect on the Taylor family of Eric's TMU job, the strange blossoming of the Landry/Tyra relationship, the struggles of Matt Ceracen, and the tumultuous Jason/Lyla/Tim triangle of friendship/love/stupidity.

In fact, for the first six or so episodes of the season, very little football is seen whatsoever. Unfortunately, this was caused by the "wait and see" approach because of the writers strike and thus the subplots became paramount while the show creators were biding their time. While the show is still okay in this format, it lacks that "football punch" that gave it such heart in the first season.

As the second season winds down, though, the episodes really start to pick up in all areas. The somewhat cheesy and overly dramatic plotlines of the early season (Jason to Mexico, a murderer body, etc.) fade into the background and that nice football/life mix takes center stage once again. In fact, just when you'll think things are truly back on track...the season abruptly ends in mid-stride (again, the strike). The first episode of Season Three will go on to fill in the gaps, but that is most certainly not the prescribed way to run a dramatic series such as this one.

Overall, then, while I cannot give this season a full five starts due to behind-the-scenes issues and a straying from the powerful football scenes, it is still a solid effort that succeeds in pushing storylines forward and creating some great ensemble drama. For the first time this year, you just have to wade through a bit of unbelievability to get it.
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