Stranger Things: Chapter Two: The Mall Rats (2019)
Season 3, Episode 2
Impressive pacing and lots of fun.
7 July 2019
Stranger Things Episode 3.02 (5 out of 5 stars).

Chapter 2 continues with Nancy and Jonathan investigating about the diseased rats. Dustin needs Steve's help in translating a message. The episode gets more fun with Eleven getting upset at Mike for avoiding her after Jim frightened him about their intimacy. Eleven and Max go out shopping at the mall. Which Mike and his friends are trying to shop to get her something so she can forgive him. Meanwhile, Billy's encounter with the other world brings something along with him.

The episode is fast paced. Great story pacing with each character. There is not one boring scene or a slow story. It does have a lot of fun with the direction and music soundtrack. Can not wait for the next episode.
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