Review of Queen Kong

Queen Kong (1976)
There's only so many times I can say, "that's not funny".
11 July 2019
Queen Kong is a 10 minute sketch stretched to feature length and in order to do this they had to include a lot of bad puns, lame jokes and winks to the camera. The stars, Rula Lenska and Robin Askwith are said to be horrified with how bad the movie was and are sorry to say they starred in it. And after seeing it, I can really understand why.

This was supposed to be a tongue in cheek spoof of King Kong. Well it's less a spoof than it is throwing all sorts of jokes at the audience in the hopes that somebody will laugh. Problem is, most of them just aren't funny. For example they're trooping through the jungle and find a sign for "Konga Kola" and that's it. No callback to it, no comment on it, no reason for it to be there except later for most of the letters to fall off when they're running away. Or they encounter a prehistoric set of bagpipes with 70,000,000 BC stamped on it and instead of having a clever or surrealist line they instead make a "high road" joke. You know the one, "we'll take the high road and they'll take the low road and we'll get there before them." That's not a joke nor is it funny or even a clever reference to something else.

The special effects are laughably bad with blue screens, video effects and paper mache critters that wouldn't have looked out of place in a Sid and Marty Krofft show from the 70's. That's how much of a budget we're talking about.

There's no point talking about the plot because it's just a spoof of King Kong. People go to an island, find a giant gorilla who falls in love with in this case a man, they take the gorilla back to London where it breaks free and yada yada. You get the rest. Except in this case they send the gorilla and her human love interest back to the jungle. The end.

It's just bad all around and not even in a fun kind of "so bad it's good" kind of way.

Avoid this at all costs.
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