Triggered (I) (2019)
Enjoyable Slasher Satire
11 July 2019
Callee is your average white, straight, cis-gender teenager and she's not too thrilled about it. In an effort to stand out, she's pretended to be British, a lesbian, and, now, she's taken up social justice causes. Due to her abrasive personality, she only has one friend - a gay kid named Ian who's already getting a bit weary of her theatrics himself. When a famed local serial killer resurfaces after 30 years, Callee uses this opportunity to fake an attack as an attempt to get the attention she so desperately craves, but she'll soon find out that this will come with a steep price.

Triggered is never what you think it's going to be. From the posters and trailers, I had assumed it would be the story of some wacky social justice warrior punishing everyone she disagrees with politically (like a revamped Serial Mom), but Triggered doesn't take the obvious route and is, instead, more of a satire on toxic friendships and the need for everyone to be noticed.

The performances are strong all across the board with special mentions going to Meredith Mohler, Jesse Dalton, and Amanda Wyss who get the best material to work with even if Keni Bounds threatens to steal the entire film every time she shows up as Callee's lush of a mother. The script is solid with some really great bits of dialogue, some good twists, and a surprising amount of dramatic heft when called for. The film does wear its budget on its sleeve at some points, but I was never taken out of the film. If I had a complaint, it's that some of the horror/slasher elements feel underbaked and take a backseat to the comedy and friendship drama.

I doubt Triggered will suit everyone's taste, but it's worth giving a shot if you like movies like Heathers, Jawbreaker, or Drop Dead Gorgeous.
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