mostly much ado about nothing..
14 July 2019
A young Glenn Ford and Rita Hayworth, six years before their best film "Gilda"! In this one, Brian Aherne is a juror , on a trial where Natalie (Hayworth) has been accused of murder. Ford is the juror's son. Much time spent showing us what happens in the jury room... gets pretty silly, all those insults and yelling. I guess it's possible, but not really likely. In this one, Hayworth is so quiet, and low key, compared to her strong will and personality in Gilda. She meets up with Pierre, the juror's son, and of course, they fall in love. This takes place in france, but the story seems to have come from hungary or something, like Shop Around the Corner. Lots of bicycles and cycling around town, like a european town, or eastern europe. It's kind of fun, but a lot of going around the mulberry bush, as grandma used to say. Much ado about nothing, as the story goes. It's all over quickly, and they live happily ever after ! pretty good stuff. i hadn't seen this one before. Directed by hungarian Charles Vidor, who had worked with Hayworth and Ford on four films. for a guy who died so young at 58, Vidor was married four times, and one wife was an actress in this very film!
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