Fassbinder's Thoughtful Sci Fi Epic
15 July 2019
"World on a Wire" is in a way 100% Fassbinder, and also nothing like I've ever seen him before. This film feels part "Brazil", part "Fahrenheit 451", part "1984", part "The Matrix", part "Solaris (1972)", but at the same time it feels completely unique. This movie is at times so tense and other times so absurd that by the time you get to the end you feel as if you've gone on a roller coaster ride. It's also one of the rarer Fassbinder films; from 1973 until the early 2000s it was impossible to find. Only recently, thanks to Criterion, has this film been widely distributed. And thank goodness. This is definitely a movie that deserves an audience. For our full review of World on a Wired and hundreds of other reviews, articles, and podcast episodes visit us at True Myth Media!
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