Cruise Into Terror (1978 TV Movie)
In Search of an Ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus Buried in the Gulf of Mexico
30 July 2019
This film essentially revolves around an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus being transported 2000 years earlier across the Atlantic Ocean and then buried-in what is now the Gulf of Mexico-with the hope and expectation that whatever is inside of it will never see the light of day. With that in mind, the movie begins with the captain of a cargo ship being ordered to take several passengers from the United States to Cozumel where they will then be off-loaded at that time onto a much larger cruise ship. Although "Captain Andrews" (Hugh O'Brian) doesn't like the idea of transporting these passengers on a ship which is in bad need of repair, he ultimately relents and after charting a new course departs for his directed destination. Unfortunately, as luck would have it, while at sea the ship encounters all kinds of mechanical and weather-related problems and as a result, he decides to temporarily acquiesce to the passenger's request to set anchor right above the underwater Egyptian tomb which houses the sarcophagus. Naturally, being rather curious, the passengers all decide to ignore the warnings of their fellow passenger "Reverend Charles Mather" (John Forsythe) and follow the guidance of an archeologist by the name of "Dr. Isiah Bakkun" (Ray Milland) who advises that they search for the sarcophagus and-upon finding it-retrieve it at all costs. But what none of them count on is the actual cost each of them will have to pay. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was a rather mediocre made-for-television movie which had a solid cast but suffered from a ludicrous plot and its generically edited format. Having said that, however, it still managed to be somewhat entertaining and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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