Data Has Rights!
1 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In "The Measure of a Man" a Federation scientist wants to declare Data "Star Fleet Property" so he can turn Data off and take him apart and see how he takes. Commander Maddox's grand plan is to create thousands of Data's so they can be of help all over the galaxy. Data wants to resign from Star Fleet because he's worried Maddox doesn't know what he's doing and won't be able to revive Data with his memories and functions intact.

They two sides go to court at a new JAG outpost supervised by an old flame/nemesis of Picard's. She initially declares Data property similar to the Enterprise's computer. Picard is tasked with defending Data in court. As the second highest aboard, Riker is forced to prosecute against his desire. If he doesn't (or does his job badly), JAG Captain Phillipa Louvois will call the trial off and let Maddox do what he wishes to Data.

The trial starts off badly for Data with Riker bringing up valid points and turning Data off at one point. But a recess does Picard a world of good. He heads to Ten Forward where Guinan gives him some sagely advice on what this precedent what mean for Data as the first of his race: basically slavery

Using this argument and proving Data's sentience, Riker tears down Maddox's arguments and claims. Louvois doesn't feel comfortable dooming an entire race of androids to subservience and let's Data walk and free man and rejoin the Enterprise.

This is the first truly great episode of TNG. I typically dislike courtroom episodes of any of the Star Trek series but this one is by far the best of the bunch. It's got a great moral dilemma, superb acting from Stewart and Spiner, and a topical analogy that will be questioned for decades to come.

I don't really have much to criticize about this episode. I guess I don't really understand the regulations: why does Riker have to be the prosecution here? Why can't they make Maddox or Admiral Nakamura do it? If Nakamura is the highest ranking officer here, can't he do it? Also Maddox is the same rank as Riker. Can't they substitute him in? He's got more of a horse in this race anyways.

But I'm nitpicking. This episode is an all time classic that still holds up in 2019!
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