Decent but getting too ridiculous...
4 August 2019
While I loved the first one, and liked the 2nd & 3rd ones, the suspension of disbelief is just getting absurd.

As for the good, I liked the choreographed fights, much like the first two movies, this does not disappoint. They continue to deliver great action sequences, keeping it fresh & interesting, and while most of the time honoring round amounts and gun reloading, to the point of it being comical and of course perfectly timed.

Now as far as the bad... Again I understand one has to suspend a lot of disbelief and just go with it, after all it is an action movie right? But that said, there are a collection of things that just bug me, like there are assassins literally everywhere, much like the 2nd movie, it seems like half the population are assassins. Also, there is never any police, ever... I mean how can all out war happen with literally armies of assassins yet there's not a single police or military involvement whatsoever? In fact it's almost comical how deaths in public places don't even seem to trigger general panic or anything. Some aspects in the fight sequences are a little scripted looking, like people waiting for their queue or some time sync issues, but these were few for the most part few. OMG the adjudicator, both the actor and the character just annoyed the heck out of me.

However probably the biggest issue for me is all 3 movies literally take place within a week's time span. And we already saw from the first two movies he gets shot, cut, and takes numerous punishment throughout, and the 3rd movie is no different. Yet he still has the strength and stamina to keep pulling through which just defies all physical boundaries. I mean in the real world, you don't just get stabbed or shot, stitch it up & pop some pain killers and keep on fighting on like nothing happened, you'd bleed out within minutes. Not only that in pretty much all his fights he takes punishment, yet there is no accumulation of damage, no swelling or slowdown, heck it never even looks like he's breathing hard. I realize it's supposed to be a fast paced movie, but I just think it would be great if they actually added a bit of realism to it, maybe add in the occasional quick rest scene. It just gets to be a bit mechanical and absurd

In the end, it is mindless entertainment, I know they are working on a 4th one and I'll see it of course
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