Another Life (2019–2021)
Moody teenagers in space
5 August 2019
I like science fiction, reagardless if it is more like "science" or more "fiction", as long as there is a story, character development, atmosphere, or at least something to root for. Another Life is bleeding from so many wounds that it is hard to count, and the only reason I did not give a 2 star rating is the ending, as at least some of the questions got answered in the last episode. To get there however was rreally painful: i started to watch with full attention, then "WTF?", then tried to give it another shot and watched another 2 episodes, after which I said I can't take this anymore, so it was running in the background while I was doing stuff, but even then it got annoying, so the last 5 episodes I just stepped through, to see if it gets any better (no), or if there is any real development (partially yes, in the last episode). Personally, i really think that the whole approach for the characters is deeply flawed, and as a result I couldn't care less if they got eaten after the first 2 episodes...they are supposed the be on the "most important mission in the history of mankind ", and they behave like (hell, most of them even look like) as if they were in a high school mess hall. Petty bickering, mood swings, huge egos, little to no rational behavior, but lots of perfect make-up (?) and pretty (pretty-intended) clothes. Really? The best manking has to offer? Then we are really doomed....The rest is just downhill from there: the storyline, the effects, the "science", the world the whole thing is set into...this is disappointment through and through, sorry. I liked "Altered Carbon", a lot (despite the dark tone), and i hoped this will be on a similar is not, not even close: in fact this was so far from that quality (in every aspect), that it is hard to put into words. I hope Netflix will accept this as a failed one-time experiment, and move on to producing quality material like the above mentoned AC series.
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