Not Cool (II) (2014)
This Is Embarrassing...
7 August 2019
I've never seen a movie so pointlessly crude as this one. It's almost as bad as Movie 43.

I likely would've never heard about this movie if it wasn't for one thing...

It co-stars Cherami Leigh, to anyone unaware, is a voice actress for video games and anime as well as doing a few live-action roles on occasion. And honestly, this is easily her worst role by far.

Say what you will about Lucy Heartfillia or Asuna Yuuki, at least those characters felt dignified and had some likable qualities to them.

Tori, the character Cherami plays, is just some nihilistic edgelord who's only there to make sarcastic quips and say vulgar things for meaningless shock value.

I'd talk about the story, but what story is there to tell? It's just a bunch of high schoolers screaming, cursing, talking about sexual references, making homophobic slurs, and basically going out of their way to be as vulgar as possible. There's also some random partying, and is full of gross-out.

I've never heard of Shane Dawson, but this movie really didn't make a fan. But I am a fan of Cherami Leigh, and I feel bad that she was part of such an awful movie like this.

I have nothing against vulgar humor, in fact, I'm pretty open-minded towards that kind of thing. However, what holds those kind of jokes together is context and structure, which this movie has neither.

Everything feels so jumbled together and scenes drag on for way too long or don't make any sense.

While I might understand the intention behind it, when it's not shoving vulgar jokes down my throat, portraying the awkwardness of teenagers and stuff, that's been a thing ever since the John Hughes era back in the 80's, but the difference there is that they didn't cram in vulgar jokes just to pad the runtime or sound edgy.

This movie doesn't really seem to grasp the concept of comedy and as a result is on par with the likes of Ghostbusters 2016 and the Paul Blart: Mall Cop movies.

Bottom line, it's something I wouldn't recommend at all.
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