The Other Woman (1992 Video)
Interwoven plots with good erotica
10 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is actually quite a good erotic drama if you do not mind the poor acting and the rather laughable action scenes. Lea Anne Beaman is the journalist investigating mobster Mike Florian (Sam Jones, an actor so wooden a fence post would give him a run for his money) when she sees photos of an unknown woman, found in her husband's jacket. This start her off on a journey not only to discover this mystery woman's identity, but also to discover the truth about herself. Her troubles are not only personal but also professional as she has to deal with sexual politics and corporate rivalry.

Jag Mundhra occupies the same position as Gregory Dark when it comes to erotic film making and this film has a good amount of erotic scenes especially the one with Miss Beaman and the exotic Juliet Reagh, who for some reason calls herself Jenna Persaud for this film. I think Jag Mundhra missed a trick at the start of the film when the first love scene is curtailed by a phone call: always start the film with a hot sex scene to hold the viewer's attention. Despite this, the film delivers what it is meant to deliver.
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