Silent Panic (2018)
Bunch of dishonest 9 and 10 star reviews here
15 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Pathetic. Some of those posting a review have only that single review to their name. One of them has apparently made a job out of highly rating bad indie movies and probably gets paid to do it.

The beginning of the movie was fine but quickly took a wrong turn when the director decided to film another 80 minutes or so. The premise that 3 friends would not go to the cops immediately is ridiculous, even if one is an ex-con. First, there would be no forensic evidence linking any of them to the crime. Second, they didn't know the woman and there would be zero evidence that any of them had even met her before. Third, what the heck was the motive??

But okay, let's accept that. As someone else pointed out, a body kept in a closed car trunk in hot Los Angeles is going to decompose a lot faster than normal, and it would have bloated with gas and various fluids would leak out and the smell would have been obvious to anyone near that car. Not possible it went undetected and when the 'stolen' car was found and returned I guarantee you that the police would have searched the vehicle before handing it over.

Then the ex-con Eagle drives and then carries the body and apparently (we don't see this) dumps it in one of his friends car - how did he open the trunk since he didn't have the keys? Then the friend discovers the body, freaks out, puts it in his OWN bathtub and tries to wash it clean of his fingerprints. The next day he panics and dumps the body in a lake. After that he commits suicide by ODing. That's the first good thing I saw in the movie.

Anyway, I'm boring myself writing about this garbage but the director has no clue how to pace a movie and tell a story. Maybe the actors could have done better but why bother when the director is a tool?
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