Hateful Sinophobic propaganda
18 August 2019
Having researched both sides of the issue, I can agree the one child policy had suffered from certain excesses that impinged on people's rights.

However, I completely disagree with the sensationalized nature of this "documentary" that frames the policy as a sinister plot for total control.

China versus India gives us the most illuminating case study.

Some 40 years ago, China curbed out of control population growth to avoid socioeconomic collapse. Today, China has lifted 800+ million people out of crushing poverty after a century and half of western invasions, wars, and destruction. It's people enjoy safe streets, full stomachs, clean drinking water, education, a growing economy, etc. Of course nothing is perfect and China has many problems to solve but this achievement is simply unprecedented in human history.

In contrast, India allowed out of control population growth and it is currently experiencing a socioeconomic crisis. Food and water shortages. Infrastructure is woefully underdeveloped. Much of the country lacks sanitation such proper toilets leading to the spread of disease.

The results speak for themselves.
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