Review of Sukob

Sukob (2006)
Supernatural Melodrama
20 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As a melodrama, this film works quite well. As a horror film, not so much. The story line progresses at what might at first appear to be nonlinear narrative, but it eventually becomes clear that's not the case as the stories converge from an unexpected angle. This was a worthy attempt at misdirection that didn't quite come off. However, the family secret plot did become gripping and even moving to watch play out. It's just that there were so many missed opportunities to amp up the horror element. Just one example involves the fact that the evil spirit closely resembles some dressed-up festival goers at one point in the story. What an opportunity to ramp up the tension and build up a thrilling scene, but it was wasted on one cheap jump scare. If you're interested in a family drama you've come to the right place, but if you're looking for a scary movie that's not really what you're going to find here.
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