The Heidi Chronicles (1995 TV Movie)
Powerful Story of Human Growth
21 August 2019
Jamie Lee Curtis gets a meaty lead role in The Heidi Chronicles, which is based on the hit Broadway play. Curtis plays Heidi, an idealistic child of 60's sexual revolution who ages from a teenager to late 30's career woman by the end. Along the way, she has her heart broken, learns the importance of friendships, and refuses to let anyone dictate how she should run her life.

This should be required viewing for young women everywhere about how you can live you life on your own terms. Just because your friends are getting married, having kids, or getting huge jobs doesn't mean that you have to follow them and be just like them. Things have a way of coming to you when you're ready for them and least expect them.

Curtis is exceptional as Heidi and it's nice to see her headline a true drama and be given something to work with. Many times, she's been typecast as the sexpot, the sassy one, or the woman in danger with a killer scream. She excels at playing an everywoman who just wants to know that she's doing the right things and making a dent in the world.
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