Silent Panic (2018)
22 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I stopped watching, just to write this review. I have a half an hour left and I'm really debating if I'm going to continue. There is not one redeeming quality in this movie. Not one! I'm a glutton for punishment and I love bad movies because you can at least find humor but this, it's illogical. There are spoilers all over this review but I wouldn't think of them as spoilers, more like warnings or reasons to not watch it.

1. Grown men popping a zit around a campfire.

2. One by one each guy looks in their trunk, sees the body and doesn't say anything.

3. One guy has a record so he convinces the other two, to not call the police. Even though, nothing connects these guys to the mystery woman in the trunk. No reason to not call the police.

4. Speeds down the road, with a body in the trunk. One would think you would drive better than if you're taking your driving test.

5. Cop walks up to window, asks for the window to be rolled down. He cracks it. Cop says more. He says it's enough. Actually arguing with the cop about rolling his window down, causing a scene, even though he just made a huge deal about him being the only one talking.

6. Tells girlfriend, the cars not starting so he's taking the bus. Girlfriend tries the car later and it's working, so she decides to take a possible breaking down car, to the grocery store and leaves a note. He comes home sees this note, panics, hops on his bike to arrive just in time to catch the girlfriend opening the trunk to put her groceries away. Which she fumbled through the longest, quietest parking lot ever, with no shopping cart. He makes this huge deal, I have something in me eye, baby help me. Distracts her and gives her a, chase the deer into the road, got hit by a car, so we stuck it in the trunk, to cut up meat at some point in the next few years I'm guessing, story. She buys it. She then hops in the back seat and he drives home. What about the bike?

7. Drives the car to some location. Calls the police to report it stolen right at the place, right when he drops it off.

8. Friend picks him up and has a screaming child in the car. "Eagle" is irritated that he can't hear the police because of the kid. Even though the call shouldn't have been placed till, I don't know, the next morning, he doesn't just step out of the car.

9. This kid. Looks 7. Acts like 4. Talks to him like he's 2. Very uncomfortable watching that.

10. Boyfriend tells girlfriend car is stolen. Next morning. The police found car and she wanders around the lot, finds it and drives off. Thinks battery is an issue. Changes battery acts like she just replaced the engine and discovers body.

Keep in mind it's been a few days and the smell is not bothering anyone. There are no fluids. The acting in this movie is horrible and the choices make no sense. I don't know if I can finish this. Oh and now the friend is all coked out from stress and an awkward meeting with an old drug dealer, who loves birds and sativa. There's more but I don't know if I will ever know.
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