Mindhunter: Episode #2.9 (2019)
Season 2, Episode 9
25 August 2019
I expected a lot more from this season. The first season was great. This one has lacked focus. There have been some things I liked. Usually when they are interviewing the criminals, but, there has been so much I did not like. There is a lot more political correctness forced in. They cover sexism, racism and homophobia. The show did not need all of that. It used to just be about studying the psychology of serial killers. That is why I liked it. If I want to watch something about poverty and race relations then I will watch The Wire. I think this has been a big waste of potential. To be fair the acting, visuals and soundtrack are all fine. My problem is the writing. They have tried to weave too many different storylines together and none of it really worked. There are lots of very interesting cases which they could have picked; Ted Bundy, Ed Gein or Charles Manson, but, the one they did pick was incredibly boring. They should have just picked a really interesting and famous case, then focused primarily on that. You could have the occasional side plots, like maybe they interview other killers in an effort to understand their target, and I don't mind if they want to add a new member of the team, as long as they are interesting and do not disrupt the existing dynamic. They could even introduce a new love interest as long as it doesn't get in the way of the larger story. This is a show about True Crime. That is all I want and need from it. I am very disappointed with this season. I hope the next season is better. If not then I will stop watching this show.
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