Neighbourhood Blues (2011–2018)
UK..where criminals are sent for lines...bad ones get MORE lines
25 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What a SAD, SAD, SAD Country is the UK. This show shows almost perfectly what the problem is regarding crime and proceedings. 9 out of 10 criminal events shown in this show result in a fine, and/or community time. Warnings are given as 9if these are school children and I half expected to see either a dunce cap or a time out in the corner. Maybe they should go back to the school discipline o0f the 60's and have them write out..."I will not beat up old men and steal their pension cheque's 50 times or would be just about as effective as what the British courts mandate in this show. No wonder crime is escalating in the UK....they slap your hand and treat you as if you were a kid. One case, is a grown woman who verbally abuses her neighbours and makes noise all hours of the day and night....ultimately she breaks a security camera owned by one of her neighbours and is questio0ned by the poli9ce but GET THIS......THEY COME TO HER FLAT and pick her up for a free ride to the police station. Good they provide free taxi service for accused felons. Thank God I live in a civilized country ( Canada ) where laws are enfo0rced and criminals rarely get a free p-ass or a warning or time out facing the corner. So sad that such a once-great nation is now the laughing-stock of the rest of the civilized world.
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