Review of I See You

I See You (III) (2019)
The only person in the whole world who enjoyed this movie is the so-called director....
27 August 2019
Rarely have I ever seen a film as ridiculously disjointed and as utterly pointless as this one is. Red letter day - worst film of 2019 by far!

To say this is a story-telling mess is to understate the case exponentially. There is no narrative that makes any kind of sense at all - unless perhaps you're perpetually wrecked on mushrooms. Like the so-called "director" and "screenwriters" clearly were.

Even their shill review efforts failed miserably here on imdb.

Andrew...take a good hard look in the mirror and then engage in some serious soul-searching. You're clearly in the wrong business and I'm sorry but utter trash like this is not going to get you anywhere.

This is one of those rare pieces of irredeemable trash that actually gets lower than my bare minimum imdb score of 3. Good job. My 2 star rating here is given purely out of sympathy to the cast and crew - none of you deserved this and hopefully you will all move on from this pile of feces.
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