Review of Ladyworld

Ladyworld (2018)
The only thing uncomfortable is the fact it lasts more than 5 minutes.
28 August 2019
I'm a fan of all sorts of film and I especially love those little "undiscovered" films that stand out. The problem is, when you seek out films of that nature, you run into far more like this. It wants to be deep. It tries real damned hard to be Art. But to this viewer, it was neither. I'd use the word Tedious. Aside from the, and I use this term as lightly as humanly possible, music (which was little more than repeated noises and Girl Moans..), the thing that bothered me the most was the camera filter. At several points in the film it looks like pantyhose with a hole cut in them are stretched over the lens, the edges of the screen are dark and the center almost looks like you are watching the film by flashlight. It's not artsy or claustrophobic, it's sophomoric lighting and cinematography. Actually, if this was a student film... no.. wait. Nevermind, it would still be boring. The actresses are all capable of handling better material. If I were them, I'd fire my agent. As a moviegoer, you'd do better watching pretty much anything else up to and including paint drying.
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