Catch 21 (2008–2020)
I just find it to be so boring.
29 August 2019
There's nothing particularly bad about Alfonso, but he really doesn't impress me. His presence is so lacking that he just feels like he's there, but that's all. Nicky is just annoying. No it's, ands, or buts about it. She wasn't needed to make the show work, and she just irritates me. The format of the show is poor as well. It's not interesting. The questions are almost entirely pop culture hoopla and aren't really very interesting. But, by far, the most annoying factor in the show is the contestants. It's quite clear that the behind the scenes staff is telling them to ham it up. Often times, this leads the contestants to either be extremely annoying or extremely hateful and rude. Either way, it isn't likable. I never find myself wanting to root for any of these people. Quite frankly, I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if the show is as rigged as others have claimed. It FEELS rigged. There is just this underlying feeling that they stack the deck in favor of the contestants they want to win, while making everything work against the contestants that they want to lose. That may not be the case, but that is the general feeling I get while watching it. Other people may love this show, but I find it detestable.
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