A huge let down...
2 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After thoroughly enjoying 2015's Until Dawn and the intriguing as well as frightening storyline, I was very happy to hear that the developers (Supermassive Games) were creating a new Anthology series of horror games.

I first saw the trailer to this game back when it had originally been released in summer 2019 and I thought that it looked like a great new horror game experience after the refreshing instalment of Until Dawn back in 2015. From the trailer, the game showed us as an audience that there would be a similar game mechanic to Until Dawn with the choice system that would create a 'butterfly effect' in which actions would affect what would happen to characters and events in the future.

I pre-ordered the game on PS4 and played it as soon as it was released. I did enjoy the first act where the group are introduced and set off on the boat, however after that, the game fell short. Everything seemed rushed and the writing for the character's felt forced and unnatural. On top of this, the controls were very clunky and half of the time that I played was trying to get the character I was playing as to get unstuck out of the corner of the room or in a doorway.

Although there were a few good jump-scares, the game offered no storyline that came with Until Dawn in which there was the legend of the Wendigo, however in Man of Medan, there was no such explanation about the Ourang Medan and it's legend. Furthermore, the game, for me, did not have any creep factor to it and by the end, all of the 'scary zombie-like monsters' were all explained as a hallucination.

The ending to the game was absoloutely appalling and rushed. On my first playthrough I managed to kill two of the main characters and by the end of the game, the remaining characters did not seem like they were feeling emotional at all.

In conclusion, Until Dawn is much better but I hope the next instalment in the anthology series will be better.

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