One of the slowest, most boring films I've tried to watch
4 September 2019
I only managed to watch about fifteen minutes of this film. I turned it off, watched something else, then thought I'd give it another go, thinking maybe I just hadn't been in the right frame of mind for it the first time. Nope - still unwatchable and I could only stomach another five minutes, in which the film had gotten nowhere. It jumped about in different time lines, the actors sleepwalked through modern-style moral preaching sermons disguised as dialogue which probably wouldn't have happened during that time as prisoners would have been too scared to say anything negative to their captors.

As a previous reviewer mentioned, the music is annoying and kind of adds to the droning mind numbing-ness of the film. The female actors were so nondescript I couldn't tell them apart. The 'actor' who played Mengeles was DREADFUL. It was like watching a really bad amateur theater production you have to stick out because your kid is in it. Maybe it got better after twenty minutes - I don't know, but I HAVE managed to stick out a boring film until it got better before, but this one was just unwatchable - and I did try. What a shame because it is such an important topic, particularly in this day and age.
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