Classic Tarantino entertainer
5 September 2019
There are few things like watching a Tarantino movie in a movie house. He has only made a handful of movies in his lifetime. Almost all of them are entertainers to the core. Everyone may not enjoy them, but I have enjoyed them immensely. 'Once upon a time in Hollywood' does not disappoint by any manner a Tarantino fan. It has all the essential elements of a Tarantino classic. Terrific acting performances, especially by Di Caprio and and Brad Pitt, meticulous direction and immaculate cinematography. The background music is fabulous as ever, one of Tarantino's specialties. Intense scenes, teleporting us in time and mood to the period of the story. Scenes are so real and captivating, it's a thrilling watch. Initially it takes some time to set the premise, to introduce the characters. Character detailing is minutely done - the little girl in the shoot, the hippie girl and her community, the small scale actress etc , people who seem unimportant story-wise are so memorable. The movie showed two sides of the place of Hollywood, one where rich affluent people live and the other of hippies. Di Caprio, playing an actor in the movie goes through a crisis in his career, Brad Pitt is a cool headed stuntman who lives a humble life, but is a tough guy. After watching the movie, they all had become a part of my life that I spent in the Hollywood , back in the sixties.
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