K-12 (2019)
It didn't reach it's expectations, but it was still enjoyable.
7 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Here's my opinion on the movie, but before I begin, I have to say that we need to stop deeming everything Melanie does as "perfect" and we have to stop treating her like a child who's hyper sensitive to criticism, so I'll be very honest in this post.

P.s. CONTAINS MAJOR MOVIE SPOILERS. Don't read this if you haven't watched it. The movie was very flawed, and I'm being generous. The acting was terrible, the storyline was all over the place and hard to follow, and the first half of the movie kept going off plot. The story is about 2 girls who were trapped inside a sleep away school (that acts as a prison) and they later try to take down the system and escape from it. From the first half of the movie, you couldn't even tell the plot, it was just random scenes put after each other and random music videos played after one another, some were in the wrong order, and some scenes felt like an extra (the dancing ghosts for example.) and some things might as well have been removed. (example: the transgender teacher scene.) Melanie had a time budget so I really wished she'd focused on the main story more instead using half of the movie to give us the school's background information. A few examples to clarify this:

  • The highschool sweethearts song came before the love letter
  • When the nurse's approached Crybaby and Angelita (after Crybaby returned to being a human instead of a doll) the 2 girls just stood there without putting up any fight at all and they cut straight to the Nurse's office (and Crybaby and Elita were suddenly chained.)
  • Strawberry shortcake came out of no where (but then again, Melanie was on a tight budget and had to cut the movie short so I can't blame her.)
  • The pacing was too fast and the scenes kept changing rapidly, ending with a very short dialogue.

Another thing that I disliked about the movie was the acting. Melanie felt too shy in the movie, she reacted to certain things the way you would in real life, which is what she did wrong because you're supposed to be melodramatic in movies, she couldn't get into her character fully and a clear example of that is at the beginning of the movie when the paper about her being tooth gapped hits her in the bus, the way she said "seriously?" sounded too bored. And Yungelita wasn't very good with the acting either, she clearly had a lot of trouble displaying emotions, she sounded mono tone most of the time and the script was too memorised, didn't really feel natural. Yungelita's acting was really nervous, there were times when she spoke too quickly and walked too stiffly, and both of them felt like they were reciting. And if I'm being completely honest, most of the young actors didn't do very well.

P.s. I would add more and mention more examples but I didn't want to make this too harsh. Overall I would rate the movie a 3.5/5.

I said what needed to be said, but I am really sorry if this offended anyone, I tried to keep this nice but not too sugercoated, and I made this because I felt like everyone was either lying or really oblivious when they said that the movie was "too perfect and didn't have any flaws at all."

For a first movie, Melanie and the crew have actually really outdone themselves, and I couldn't be more proud of them for everything that they put into making this, I just hope they do even better the next time.

Have a good day.
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