Rates One Woof
7 September 2019
Before my review begins, let me note special interest: I do not find animal cruelty funny. Specifically, I do not believe dogs enjoy being dressed up in what people think are funny costumes, and wired in place. Therefore I dislike the 'Dogville' shorts, produced by cousin Jules White and Zion Meyers as a general rule, and think that if you can't do a good burlesque of the melodramatic plot in which two twins are stolen by gypsies, and raised separately with people, tormenting dogs won't improve it.

And that's what happens here.

There were earlier efforts to produce comedy shorts starring animals. Hal Roach produced about a dozen of the "Dippy Doo Dads" in the early 1920s, with cameraman Len Powers sweating to get the dogs, cats, geese, goats, and so forth moving around the sets in a way that the editors could make a story out of. He gave up and Powers went back to being a cameraman.
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