Tall Girl (2019)
I liked it and then I didn't and then I liked it and then I didn't
13 September 2019
I mean, it wasn't bad... but I feel like they didn't quite catch Jodi's personality. It was mostly people telling us how amazing she is, but all we see is her being down or whinging about something. I would have liked to see the more caring and "fun" side. It was stated that she was "fun" a few times, but where was that?? It was very choppy in a few bits. Like there were scenes missing that could have added to the experience. There was one part, though, that made me a bit mad, and that was the caesarean part. I haven't had one myself, but that was incredibly offensive to millions of women. It's as though they were made to feel ugly for bringing life into this world and something that usually comes from an emergency. Not cool guys. The rest of the movie was average. In saying that, it was a nice, easy watch when you want to just turn off the brain and watch a Netflix teen romcom.
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