Bill Burr: Paper Tiger (2019 TV Special)
A Great Comedian for Misogynistic Right Wingers
14 September 2019
I've really loved Bill Burr for a long time - his previous specials, podcasts, YouTube videos, etc, so I was pretty shocked to see how far off the deep end he went in Paper Tiger.

Bill has never been shy to make fun of anyone, women included, however he lost the humor in this special and just attacked the women's movement entirely.

The sexism in this special sounded very similar to Trump antics, "it's a scary time for men right now", by questioning women. He belittled the Believe All Women's movement - a slogan that was created to bring light to the fact that less than 1% of all sexual allegations are false hence why women should be taken more seriously when they share they have been assaulted. He just added fuel to the fire to make people doubt women's sexual allegations further. It was deeply disturbing to watch him delegitimize the #metoo movement and simultaneously toss in rape jokes.

The guy is clearly very out of touch with reality and his ignorance only hurts minorities by emboldening sexist jerks and giving them the courage to spew hatred. It's the same thing Trump has done - crap over minorities and all the scumbags of the world think it's okay to come out to join in.

There's a million different ways he could have teased any of the movements he trashed, but instead he stripped them of their purpose and gave fuel to the opposition who views women's rights movements as anti-men. He made fun of victims of sexual assault. He just aided the group of people in the country who feel their privilege is being threatened because minorities are trying to gain equality.

I've laughed at nearly everything Burr has released but this wasn't funny. He came across as Rush Limbaugh trashing progressive movements and it's a real shame.
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