Chelsea benefitted from privilege but not "white"
15 September 2019
I really tried to watch but could only stomach about 15 minutes. Chelsea assertion that she benefited from "privilege" and did not make it on talent is relatively insightful. Her error, however, and she did allude to it is that it had little to do with her race. What it was as I see it is that she is an very attractive woman with a foul mouth that is more funny than most. If she had not been pretty and a female of whatever race she would not have reached the fame she was gifted. As for Tiffany Haddish she has to work so hard because she is not even moderately funny. She has a bit of the looks and certainly the crudeness and less comedic talent but I think sans the race she would still be doing childrens coming of age parties at best. Keven Hart on the other hand is profoundly funny . I did not get very far but if he asserts he had to work to hard who is he comparing himself to? He is the king of the hill and any comparison would not make sense. That being said he is not the funniest in my opinion but he is up there and I think he works much harder than the others. No one will read this but I saw CH years ago in GTMO and wanted to apologize for the knuckle heads who disrupted the show.
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