Review of Hundra

Hundra (1983)
Strong Female Character, Yes.
17 September 2019
A movie about feminism? No.

I read quite a number of reviews stating how this movie is just nothing but feminist propaganda. I disagree with this idea. This seems more like a mockery of feminism. On the surface this looks like your standard "woman good, man bad" fare, but if you really read into it a bit more, you can see there is more under the surface than what meets the eye. Most notably, this movie realizes that an all female society cannot survive on its own (or for that matter, a male only society). You MUST have men AND women for a society to thrive. Even a group of barbarian women need men if they wish to keep their own way of life going. That isn't just some production of men, that's a fact of life. The movie is also not above showing some gratuitous nudity, even from the main character herself, hardly befitting a "feminist" ideal that women are not objects. Yes, later on it's the slaves skinny dipping, but there was literally no reason for that to be in the movie other than just some T&A.

Scenes of men doing stupid things or being completely obliterated by one woman when an entire tribe could not stop them is nothing new in movies. All background characters are cannon fodder for the sake of making the main character look as epic as possible. Look at the Nazi's in Indian Jones, or Stormtroopers in Star Wars, entire legions of military trained personal could not stop just a small handful of people who have never had so much as a weekend shooting tin cans off a fence and met their demise by the end. This movie is no different and is only building on that idea. Some would argue that "the men are raping and treating the women as objects" and I would say that is 100% accurate. Whatever time this takes place in, it's simply portraying a time when women were indeed nothing more than objects of desire. The ironic thing is that Hundra's tribe also feels the same way about men, they are only there to have sex with and make babies, nothing more. If that's true, then their entire tribe is just hypocrites, treating men exactly the same was as men treat them instead of trying to make things better. Am I sad that a woman got the better of those "mean, old men", no. They certainly got what they deserved. Each and every one of them.

There are other little tidbits throughout the movie that directly conflict with the idea that this is just feminism. Hundra has no problem getting herself all prettied up to impress a man when it sounds like the women of her tribe just "bonked a guy on the head and had their way with him". No feminist movie would show their main character getting makeup on and her hair done up just to get some action And when you think about it, that's literally all this movie is about. If you want feminism, watch Red Sonja.

All in all, not a bad movie, but certainly no Conan (hell, even his woman became a Valkyrie in Valhalla, something men can't be!). It has its fun moments, but it does drag on a bit too. Also, why was this in one of my sci-fi movie sets?
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