Higher Power (2018)
It's what you'd expect from a VFX artist directed movie
20 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The dialogue and acting is really... really bad. Let me just get that out of the way first. The visual effects work is really well done, but that is to be expected when a VFX artist was the one directing it. This movie feels more like a VFX artist's idea of "this would be cool to do effects for" than a really well fleshed out movie.

Just the fact that the first 9 minutes of this movie is bloated with exposition and opening credits is enough to know this movie is really pretentious and thinking it's higher concept than it really is. The opening is reminiscent of The Matrix opening, with character's voicing over some tech-y opening screens... but then it just drowns itself in techno screens and VFX opening credits until you're bored out of your mind and just want the movie to be over already.

The lead actor for this movie is definitely an "average Joe" in every sense of the word... and honestly the whole reasoning behind why he's the "chosen one" is pretty dumb. Not to mention his reaction to the entire ordeal is so not in character for anyone who actually had god-like powers bestowed upon him. He seems more like he's just confused the whole time instead of first being surprised and afraid, and then learning to use the powers and have fun with it.

I think anyone who was given immense power like this would surely find it terrifying at first and then quickly realize how cool it is and just revel in it a bit. Nope, not this guy. He is just confused the whole time and really angry.

The other guy... the scientist dude I don't even know his name... he has so much boring dialogue throughout the movie, and is somehow able to follow our "hero" around via microphones, security cameras, drone cameras, etc... as if he's watching the movie with us. It gets to the point where he's seeing shots as we see them, which would cameramen to be literally following the protagonist around. It's a bit unbelievable.

I think the weak point overall is the story itself. The whole way they go about giving this guy power is silly. Why force him into all of this? Why not at least first just ask the guy if he wants god like abilities? He's already pretty much at the end of his rope, so why not just give him the ability? Oh, because he needs to be "angry" like the Hulk or something, to really unlock his potential. Okay, but this could still be done differently instead of just wiring him up with an earpiece and barking orders at him.

Finally the premise of a blast of radiation wiping us out is actually plausible... but the reality is that we would have zero time to detect it, and we'd be wiped out before we even knew what hit us. Not only did they detect this ray of energy coming towards Earth ahead of time, but they had enough time for the boyfriend to shoot the daughter, and for the father to get super emotional, and all of that before the beam even hits. That would be an unprecedented amount of "heads up" time for this type of event to happen. We can barely get a few seconds notice when an earthquake is going to hit.

The movie just isn't very well made. You can tell it's low budget... not by the VFX but by everything else. This type of movie could be really well done with better writing, better actors, and an overall better plot. So in the end, great concept but terrible execution. All 3 stars I'm rating this movie go solely to the neat VFX.
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