Family in Hiding (2006 TV Movie)
Ticks all the boxes for a made-for-TV movie.
22 September 2019
A single mom witnesses a murder and the baddies are out to stop her testifying, so it's into the Witness Protection Program for the woman and her two kids. From that point the movie does its best to suggest how awful it is to be part of the program and how inefficient the people running it are. The funny thing is, at the end of the movie, out of the blue, it makes a statement about how effective the program is in keeping people safe and obtaining convictions. Which is it guys? You can't have it both ways.

Anyway, I digress.... There are certain things we have come to expect from made-for-TV movies: a clichéd plot, mediocre acting, corny dialogue, cardboard characters. This movie does not disappoint on any of those points. Let's face it, you've seen this sort of thing before, done much better. In fact, you could have written this script yourself. It doesn't offer anything new or anything special. Sometimes you might even have a chortle, although that definitely wasn't the producers intention. The best thing I can say about this movie is that it's not terrible. It's average.
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