Soultaker (1990)
Another movie that years ago made the old Bottom 100 thanks to MST3000
22 September 2019
The old Bottom 100 was heavily populated of movies that were featured on MST3000. Mostly because the movies were terrible or mostly because there was the assumption that the show featured the worst movies of all time. This is NOT true but they always picked movies for which they could obtain the rights for the airing. This explains why some of the movies that were featured in the show have to this day appalling scores. Movies such as PUMAMAN, MITCHELL and GIRL IN GOLD BOOTS are not that terrible yet they were both featured on MST3000 (thanks to lots of fans of the show that gave lots of 1) and the Bottom 100. And SOULTAKER ranks among those movies that didn't totally deserve all the hate, yet it has a score of 2,3.

The plot: four youngsters drive in the night after a party and they have a horrible accident. Their souls come out of their bodies and they are soon chasen by the soultaker (Joe Estevez), one of the angels that has to take the souls of the dead that roam the Earth. After a boy and a girl are taken away, the remaining couple escapes without respite from the soultaker. At the girl's home, unfortunately, the soultaker disguises as her mother and the three leads, along with the girl's parents, rush to the hospital (along with her real parents) and will they reunite to their bodies? See the film.

As I previously said, the movie isn't that bad. It has a good cinematography and a nice soundtrack. The acting is ok at best, with Joe Estevez (in one of his most famous movies in his long filmography) that is very convincing in his villanious role. And this movie has also a 90s nostalgic feel.

Don't trust the low score and negative reviews, because I think that this is a nice thriller that fans of the genre will enjoy.
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