Not even enough sexual content to save this garbage
23 September 2019
Steam Room stories, the web series, had moments of charm mixed in with the shirtless beefcake, but this film is bottom of the barrel bad. The plot is so tired it's laughable. (Insert establishment) is in danger of shutting down because (insert reason owner owes money) and evil (insert stock villain) wants to take it over." In this case it's "gym, didn't pay taxes, beauty magnate who's looking for the fountain of youth."

The worst part is how the characters talk to each other. Nobody actually talks this way, but they don't take it so over the top that it's camp, so instead it just seems like bad writing. Example: a group of buddies decides they'll no longer small talk about sex, and one declares "Ok then! No more talking about poon or peen." Sure, that's a thing someone would say.
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