one of the great classic "Simenon" adaptations
24 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Two poverty-stricken ladies of the night decide to rob a tiny jewellery store. The hold-up turns into a wicked farce, with one of the perpetrators severely beating the old jeweller's wife. Realizing that she is in a world of trouble, the woman who administered the beating goes looking for a good barrister. She does not have enough money to pay a fee, but she does look stunning in high heels and garters...

"En cas de malheur" is closer to a psychological drama than to a thriller or crime movie. It unites a dream cast which includes two "sacred monsters" of French cinema, to wit Jean Gabin and Brigitte Bardot. Both Gabin and Bardot are in fine mettle and the result draws sparks. Bardot, by the way, has rarely been more beautiful and I'm sure that the sight of her play-acting in a soubrette uniform must have floored millions of men.

The movie boldly attacks the French legal system - or rather, the various dishonest and unjust lawyers who crawl all over the system, like ants crawling over a dying mouse. In the movie, two old people get attacked by two prostitutes ; it is a serious crime, but at least the perpetrators have the twin excuse of lack of education and lack of money. In a later stage, both victims get attacked again, this time in a courtroom full of people, by a lawyer who does not care about details like truth and facts. This lawyer is rich ; he just wants to get richer still while gaining access to a prime piece of female flesh.

Moreover, the lawyer is a well-respected member of society : a career full of clever strategies and sharp moves has earned him an opulent house, a cultured wife, the admiration of his peers. Well, you know what they say, a criminal lawyer is someone who knows that crime pays...

The movie is blessed with a fine musical score, including good trumpet music.
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