Sorry, don't waste an hour and a half of your life that you will not get back.
24 September 2019
This is a really cheesy stinker and not just because it is old. It is just comically bad. Homer's Odyssey was great and original. After the fall of the Greek Empire Rome rose from the ashes and adapted 'Roman' mythology and literature from the Greeks. Ulysses is the 'Roman' Odysseus. When the muslims captured Constantinople they read the Roman literature and adapted it to a muslim version, i.e. Ulysses became Sinbad and his adventures became 1001 nights, exc. Each step away from the quality works of Homer was a big step down in quality and you see that in this movie. The 'hero' in the movie wins the unattractive, overweight, girl. A person runs around in secret tunnels, presumably because he is the only one that can fit into the tunnels, doing whatever he wants. We have a 'cat fight' near the end. Guys running, or riding, this way and then that way. Sorry, don't waste an hour and a half of your life that you will not get back.
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