A quaint yet predictable European road trip romance
25 September 2019
I stumbled upon this film flipping channels and found it interesting to watch to the end. It's another of the road trip in Europe movies that I love ("Under the Tuscan Sun", "Paris Can Wait"). Well now we have "Under the Eiffel Tower" and I am eagerly expecting the yet to be written and filmed "Sesso Can Wait". While Eiffel is cliche and predictable and has been done hundreds of times before, it's still fun to watch with the goofy characters, the sometimes embarrassing plots, and the gorgeous picturesque countryside of Bordeaux. With some much wine drinking going on I felt like getting up and pouring myself a glass but it was nearly midnight. Yep, 7 stars for at least trying to be a great picture and just being entertaining even though it didn't make a lot of sense.
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