The Bold Type: The New Normal (2019)
Season 3, Episode 1
Seriously... how needy and annoying is Jane!
25 September 2019
Criticisms: 1: why does Jane personalise everything? She MAKE the editor publish an article? Don't think so. She MADE the board bring in someone new for the dot com? Don't think so. She's a complete narcissist 2: how often do these girls insult someone on the board and yet, like Teflon, nothing sticks. Jane insults her boss, Sutton criticises a guy on his attitude to women; Kat just ridicules their old fashioned values- in what world would the people PAYING THEIR WAGES put up with this? Oh yes, no world at all. But it's ok because millennials don't recognise hierarchy as they're the centre of the world 3: all this desperate need for everyone to be equal and Privilege checked comes across as superficial and shallow 4 BOUNDARIES WITH YOUR BOSSES PEOPLE. Any editor wouldn't tolerate Jane's neediness when they're running a magazine- you'd barely see them but Jane's in her office every day pouring out every single think that's gone wrong that day.

It's ridiculous. Real work places aren't like this. Real millennials aren't like this. It isn't particularly flattering on this group.
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