Doctor Who: The Happiness Patrol: Part One (1988)
Season 25, Episode 5
Sweet & Sour
28 September 2019
Review of all 3 parts:

The Happiness Patrol joins a long line of dystopian future societies presented in Doctor Who. It is particularly in the same bracket as The Macra Terror, The Sun Makers, Paradise Towers as well as a story that would come along later, Gridlock. Political themes presented in a society where people are somewhat brainwashed to fit in and where those who stray outside the prescribed beliefs are deemed dangers to be destroyed. This version involved a society where people are ordered to be happy and anyone failing to project happiness and satisfaction is jailed or killed. This is far better than the previous season's dystopian story Paradise Towers but still has issues that plagued the show at the time - tastelessly over the top design of costumes and sets, poor effects, some cheesy characters, events and dialogue and unimpressive music. These problematic elements hold this back from its potential to be a really good serial but it is reasonably good thanks to the ideas and themes.

The dark, sometimes creepy aspects of the plot are good as are the Doctor's noble efforts to change the society with speeches and action against its cruel ways. McCoy is not as good as in his best stories and sometimes overacts but the political and social points are made well. It makes me laugh when some fans criticise new Doctor Who for being 'too political' or making social comment because as proven by this and the other stories I mentioned above as well as lots and lots of others (like The Savages, The Krotons, The Curse of Peladon, The Mutants, The Green Death and even Genesis of the Daleks) the show has ALWAYS made political and social comment through its stories. I think Graeme Curry's story here is very good but execution of it on screen is not as good as it could have been.

Sophie Aldred is solid support as always as Ace whilst Sheila Hancock is marvelous guest starring as Helen A. The rest of the cast are OK and if only the costumes and sets were more clever and understated the society could have been presented really well. The dark and bleak feel that hangs over this is effective and the thoughtful themes raise this above the weird and tasteless designs.

The Kandyman design is not good but there is a horrible unnerving sensation created in his scenes that is quite powerful. Fifi the monster dog is OK for the day and the 'pipe people' actually look good. It is the other effects such as when the shuttle is seen in orbit and the designs of the setting and characters that let it down a bit.

There are some great lines and strong messages but also some very cheesy bits of acting and dialogue, especially in regard to the harmonica player and the Doctor singing in Part 3.

Overall this could have been strong with better production but as it is I rate it as a solid filler.

My ratings: Part 1 - 7/10, Part 2 - 7.5/10, Part 3 - 6.5/10. Overall - 7/10.
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