Review of Lamb

Lamb (2002)
A heart touching short film
2 October 2019
There is a saying 'what goes up must come down.'When your life is going good at some stage it will have to go bad. For the main characters in lamb the bling boy and the farmer father it is the opposite. How many bad things have to happen in their life for it to go up?

Filmed in 2002 by Emma Freeman this 7 minute short film explores a lot of themes, such as friendship, betrayal l and guilt. Set in an Australian desert at the time of drought, what dilemmas a cure when the father of the blind boy realise that the boy's pet lamb is the last living creature on their farm. What risk will the father make to keep him and his son alive?

The visual images are capturing. The dull,dark colours inside the house show how poor they are add too the emotion. The mood of hopelessness, of endless days filled with poverty. The music is also very effective. it makes scene very emotional and hard to watch. There is a very effective crescendo in this film. The talented camerawork brings you into the film, helping you feel like you're one of the characters there. The angle of the camerawork is very impressive and the close - ups give you an insight into their lives, how the father is stressed and the boy sad but is very happy when he is with his lamb.

On the other hand,the performance of the two actors is very disappointing. Even though this is a short film I think some scenes could have been extended. I wonder how it won an award at tropfest 2002.

Overall, 'Lamb' is a very good short film with excellent visuals, amazing sound track but a massive let down with performance. I give 'Lamb' 8 stars.
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