Dagwood Gets Cement Shoes
2 October 2019
Wow, is that spider woman Adele Jergens in a Dagwood movie. For a minute I thought I'd loaded the wrong DVD. But no, thank goodness. It's Dagwood and in a pickle, as usual. This time he's mistakenly given Jergens' diamond watch to Blondie as an anniversary present. Now he's got to make good with one of 40's-noir best vixens, or he's in big trouble. Then there's I Love Lucy's favorite neighbor, Bill Frawley, to help him out with a loan-- at compound interest, of course. Worse Dagwood's boss is competing for a big construction project against some swindlers that our hero's inadvertently helped. So now his job's in trouble. Good thing Daisy and her pups are on friendly guard.

All in all, Dagwood gets most of the screen time with Blondie mainly on hand. The flick's a pretty good comedy, though I could use more B&D byplay, the series' main spark. A plot involving crime may lend to viewer interest but may also compete with the comedic parts. That's not necessarily the case here, but to me it's life in the suburbs with our ditzy couple that really scores. Anyway, whatever you do, don't let Dagwood dry your dishes.
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