low-budget, in poor taste "show"
5 October 2019
A low-budget, half-hearted, condescending, biased attempt at an Anthony Bourdain-like show. Please don't waste your time watching this. I watched the Taipei, Taiwan episode. Ainsley goes around markets getting video clips of food that he doesn't even try to eat, and if he does it's from picking off other people's plates. Then he criticizes the food and isn't even grateful for those people who shared with him. He also finds generous people to share their secret recipe with him. Does he learn their tricks or watch them make it? No! He bums off of someone else's kitchen, stove, whatever, to make his own version of THEIR secret recipe and proceeds to talk about how HIS dish incorporates THEIR culture in a place he's gotten to know for a few days. Really? Please don't waste your time watching this poor attempt at a "show".
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