Supernatural: Dream a Little Dream of Me (2008)
Season 3, Episode 10
Later developments rob episode of some strength
6 October 2019
The decision in season 5-6 to have Dean try a domestic life with Lisa, Ben ends up putting way to much weight on a story beat in this episode. Dean's dream of them here is best read as a pure fantasy. The gag in script is more or less a joke. When the developments in the season 5/6 happen the lightness of the moment ends up feeling like clunky set-up. Furthermore, the concept of being in Bobby's head is later recycled into a much better episode of Death's Door. Both of these things make this episode less appealing.

It is still a good episode. The Dean-NightmareDean scene is striking and some of the finest acting that Ackles does in season 3. Likewise that the episode is sort of Bobby focused is needed. They really get a ton of mileage out of Bobby's backstory from this episode.

The episode should have spent a little more time developing the villain as well.
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