Roman Empire: The Triumvirate (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
Historically vacuouss
6 October 2019
Why must television shows and movies continue to depict falsehoods when the truth would serve them better? The life of Gaius Julius Caesar is ripe with gripping tales to tell, and yet this touches on none them. It has good production value and good visuals, though wildly inaccurate portrayals of Romans at war, so it is a shame that it was so horribly inaccurate.

Caesar didn't serve as a legionary. He was on the staff of the governor in Asia minor. Not only did they leave out how he defied Sulla and fled to Sabine territory, but left out how he won the corona civica, the second highest military award in Rome, during his first battle, the amphibious invasion of the island of Lesbos. The show fixates on Spartacus, of which there is no historical link to Caesar's participation, even though as an elected Military Tribune, it is quite possible he was involved. It leaves out his run in with pirates, one of the classic tales of Caesar's bravery and audacity.

The show completely leaves out that he was Qaestor and Praetor of Hispania. And, Julia didn't marry Pompey after Cornelia's death, it wasn't until 10 years later. Also, Julia wasn't even born until 76 BC. She would have been a child during the Spartacus uprising. I could go on for a while, but there is little point. There is nothing of historical value to be found in this episode.

I hope the rest of the episodes are not this bad, but I have little hope.
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