Review of Down

Breaking Bad: Down (2009)
Season 2, Episode 4
7 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I never think of this episode as an all time great, but having recently re-watched it, the performances of Bryan Cranston and Anna Gunn here are masterful. Jesse's storyline gets the spotlight, and while Aaron Paul is excellent, watching Skyler's foundations of trust in Walt slowly fizzle away is truly captivating. Specifically, the scene towards the end of the episode in which Skyler confronts Walt about his shadiness is fantastically acted by both; raw and brilliantly written - the energy they create together is mesmerising. You will never see this episode high up in any 'Best of Breaking Bad' lists - it is, in essence, a table setting episode, necessary and slow burning. But it's in these episodes that actors as talented as Cranston and Gunn really shine to create a vivid and devastating picture of what would truly happen behind closed doors in such a scenario. The scene directly afterwards, where Walt channels his frustration towards Jesse, culminating in their first violent altercation, is exhilarating from Cranston's intensity. These interactions are Breaking Bad's bread and butter, and it is a shame that they often miss out on the recognition they deserve
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