Not really worth the effort...
8 October 2019
This 2019 movie "The Curse of Halloween Jack" was just a tad better than the 2018 movie "The Legend of Halloween Jack", but not much mind you.

"The Legend of Halloween Jack" is by no means an interesting horror movie, nor is it one that offers anything of any interest or innovation to the horror genre. The movie quickly settles into a monotonous pace and doesn't really get out of that pace, which makes for a less than generic and mediocre movie experience.

The movie should get some points for trying, and also for actually turning out to be better than the 2018 movie. But truth be told, you don't need to be familiar with the 2018 movie in order to watch the 2019 movie. There is nothing lost by not having seen it, as this movie doesn't require anything from the audience in terms of thinking and paying attention.

The acting in the movie was adequate, taking into consideration the limitations of the script and storyline.

As for the villain, Halloween Jack, well... Let's just say that this was nothing majorly interesting, and the character was pretty laughable actually. A scarecrow come to life with glowing lightbulbs inside his sack-head. Sure, why not... This will not turn out to be a memorable slasher character, not even in the slightest.

All in all, "The Legend of Halloween Jack" wasn't particularly outstanding, and I am rating it a mere three out of ten stars, because it was quite boring actually.
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