Transparent: Transparent Musicale Finale (2019)
Season 5, Episode 1
Musical... funny/tender... trans-emitional
11 October 2019
The Soloways have delivered another sensitive reflection of lives most of us do not see each day (In other words EVERYONE'S lives but our own). One America's greatest theatrical treasures, Judith Light, anchors, carries, and (re)defines the complex transition of the series in the post 'she-said' world. It is what it is, but we get theatrical art in a raw and true form. I want to try-out acting because of the courage and bravery of the actors in this finalé of this series. I'm inspired! Thank you Shelly!:))

Hoffmann, Landecker, and Duplass settle effortlessly into their evolved roles - I see so much of them separately in so many other productions, it's like a holiday. The co-dependent, the pan sexual and the sex addict's confrontation with the surviving parent is a classic! Boundaries! 40 year nightmares! Oh My God!! The trial and tribulation of parenthood!

The Jewish traditions are still front and center though accessible to repressed rural former Buddhist-Catholic (spiritual mutt) gay male parent-types, I can say for sure.

Davina, the AIDS-era survivor unifies the historic suffering of the rest of us. Seeing these diverse, wise characters seems like cheating though. The complexities presented in the characters simply aren't so elegant in real life. Deep pain and suffering is what is true for most 'peoples' making their ways through this life. It's what makes us who we are. But it's worth it for this 'life.' I think the Soloways substituted the pain and suffering with music and lyric so the story could be bearable.
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