A Beautifully Made But Imperfect Drama
11 October 2019
"Eyes Wide Shut" has a polarized reputation: some say it's one of Kubrick's best movies, others say it's one of his worst. While there's much to like about "Eyes Wide Shut," I have to agree that this isn't Kubrick at his finest. The movie is beautifully shot and thoughtfully addresses compelling themes of love, lust, and marriage. I love how Kubrick essentially recreated New York City in a London studio - the setting looks so real you believe it's genuine. The overall storyline is solid and the film's most infamous scenes in a certain upstate mansion are truly unsettling. The sex in "Eyes Wide Shut" isn't at all pornographic: it's cold, lifeless, detached. Kubrick shows that human relationships can often appear fulfilled when in reality there's no true love to be found, and the people in those relationships will pretend otherwise thinking it will make them happy. In other words, they keep their eyes "wide shut."

There's no doubt that Kubrick's direction is stellar and he, as always, uses the art of filmmaking to convey an important message about the human condition. But "Eyes Wide Shut" is also deeply flawed: there's a certain point halfway through the film where the story should clearly end, yet the movie continues aimlessly for another hour and a half. By the two hour mark "Eyes Wide Shut" almost becomes painful to watch due to its narrative emptiness and sluggish pace. Even in the first half the conversation scenes are extremely slow, and we only remain invested because of the movie's visual beauty and the committed performances from the central cast. "Eyes Wide Shut" is a strong final feature from Stanley Kubrick, but far from a masterpiece. 7/10.
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