The Influence (2019)
Have trouble sleeping? Watch "La Influencia"...
11 October 2019
I wanted to like this movie, I really did. But wow, this was a snoozefest of untold proportions. I got 35 minutes into the movie and I was ready to give up, but I decided to give the movie a second chance, because it might actually pick up its pace and become interesting.

So I continued watching, but the movie just kept on trotting in the same monotonous slow pace with very little happening. I managed to get 55 minutes into the ordeal known as "La Influencia" (aka "The Influence") and then I just had enough. This movie is phenomenally boring and slow paced. Even a turtle sitting down to watch this 2019 movie from director Denis Rovira van Boekholt would go 'Seriously? This is even too slow for the likes of me!'

It should be said that the atmosphere in the old house is quite good, and the movie is filmed in a nice enough manner. But it doesn't do much to make up for all other shortcomings that "La Influencia" had. Man, this movie was a bore.

I have zero interest in returning to watch the rest of the movie, because I simply didn't care one bit about the storyline, and the characters in the movie were so mundane and pointless that they were just a hazy blur actually. And I don't even bother to find out what was actually going on in the movie, because I simply just doesn't care about the storyline.

"La Influencia" scores a mere two out of ten stars from me. The only reason why it doesn't score one star is because of the atmosphere that permeated the 55 minutes of the movie that I suffered through, and the production value that the movie had.
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